

Our articles cover different embedded/IoT and other subjects. Most articles are in PDF format. Adobe® Reader® or equivalent is required to view the articles. Some articles are accompanied with a source code project, which are also available for download. The list of articles keeps growing since we started SJJ Embedded Micro Solutions in 2004. To accommodate future articles, we have grouped the past articles into their categories below for ease of navigation. Please click on the tiles below for the subject you are interested in.


Self-Publishing Books Guide - February 2025

As a book publisher, we are asked to help with writing books, but the publishing industry has changed. More power is put into the authors hands. Authors have the ability to self-publish their work. The article provides the information on how to self-publish a book.

Starter Guide for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2nd Edition, Addendum 3: Language Package Integration - September 2024

The addendum takes a deep dive into adding language packages to Windows 10/11 IoT Enterprise LTSC. The addendum covers the different types of language packages and different methods to install the language packages.

Starter Guide for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2nd Edition, Addendum 2 – Windows 11 - September 2024

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC has been released. The development process called out in the latest book remains the same. The addendum looks at some of the Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC changes and one big issue that are different from Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC.

Windows 10 IoT Enterprise: Unified Write Filter and Boot Time Architecture Trade-Offs - January 2024

A couple of developers noticed that the latest Windows 10 IoT Enterprise release is booting up slower than the older releases. Their investigation also noticed a boot time difference when UWF was enabled versus a clean install of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC without UWF. Since there has been more than one report on the same issue, a little investigation was needed. This paper goes over the boot time results for several Windows 10 releases with and without UWF enabled, and discusses the issue why UWF has an effect on boot time.

Starter Guide for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2nd Edition, Addendum 1 - December 2023 / Update July 2024 / Update Jan 2025

The addendum looks at the new improvements for adding Windows updates and shrinking the image size.

Azure RTOS and ST Microelectronics STM32 Discovery Kit IoT (STM32L4S5) – May 2023

The final Azure RTOS article for this run covers the ST Microelectronics STM32 MCU. Like the previous articles, this third article walks through all the little steps to set up the development tools and an application on Azure IoT Central. With all the tools installed, Visual Studio Code allows you to step through the source code running on the STM32L4S5 Discovery Kit.

Azure RTOS and Microchip ATSAME54-XPro Evaluation kit - May 2023

Our second article for Azure RTOS covers the SAM E54 MCU from Microchip. Like the first article in the series, this second article walks through all the little steps to set up the development tools and an application on Azure IoT Central. With all the tools installed, Visual Studio Code allows you to step through the source code running on the ATSAME54-XPro Evaluation kit.

Azure RTOS and the MXCHIP IoT DevKit - April 2023

Last year, we kicked off a series of articles with “The Current MCU Strategy for Azure”. The article proposed what appears to be Microsoft filling the gap to address support for MCUs and connection to Azure. The series of articles that followed focused on FPGA development, which lay the foundation for phase 2 later this year. Before we get there, we have a series of articles on one of the go-to market MCU products: Azure RTOS. There are a number of quick-startguides for Azure RTOS. These guides simply build the firmware from the command line and upload to the board. Simple and easy to get something up and running, but real development requires stepping through code with a debugger. The quick-start guides mention debugging in passing. This first article titled “Azure RTOS and the MXCHIP IoT DevKit” walks through all the little steps to setup the development tools and build files to debug the firmware using Visual Studio Code.