Guide for STM32Cube™ and Eclipse ThreadX®
by Sean D. Liming and John R. Malin
Dive into ThreadX projects on
STMicroelectronics STM32 MCUs
and Visual Studio With Introductions to Azure IoT
C SDK, Azure Sphere, and Eclipse ThreadX®
by Sean D.
Liming and John R. Malin
Practical Guide for Learning C
Programming with Visual Studio
Starter Guide for Windows® 10 IoT
Enterprise, 2nd Edition
by Sean D. Liming and
John R. Malin
Covers all the basic functions
of System Image Manager (SIM) for use with Windows
10 IoT Enterprise and other Windows 10 desktop
Java and
Eclipse for Computer Science
by Sean D. Liming and
John R. Malin
Practical Textbook for
Learning Java Programming, Computer Science, and
Our Mother Away From Home
by Tanya Katnic
Adventures of a High School Activities Director
A Recipe for Love
by Tanya Katnic
Adventures of an Italian Restaurateur
Treasures of
the Heart
by Tanya Katnic
Adventures of a Main Street Merchant |
The PC
Handbook -
8th Edition
by John P.
Choisser and John O. Foster
The leading developers PC
reference handbook
Professional's Guide to POS
for Windows Runtime
by Sean D. Liming
and John R. Malin
Develop Windows Runtime Applications for POS

Development from Theory to Practice Featuring
TenAsys® INtime®
by John R. Malin and
Sean D. Liming
Learn the basics of Real-Time
development with this in depth hands-on guide
Professional's Guide to POS for .NET
by Sean D. Liming
Covers the details of the
POS for .NET V1.12 SDK. Also, good for POS for
.NET v1.14.
Professional's Guide To Windows®
Embedded Standard 7 - 2nd
by Sean D.
complete guide to learn WES 7 from the
Professional's Guide to .NET
Micro Framework Application Development
by Sean D. Liming and
John R. Malin
Cover the .NET Micro
Framework SDK and various .NET Micro Framework
Professional's Guide To Windows®
Embedded 8 Standard
by Sean D.
complete guide to learn WE8S from the ground-up
Windows XP Embedded Advanced
by Sean D.
The complete guide to
learn XP Embedded from the ground-up
Open Software Stack for the Intel®
Atom™ Processor
by Sean D. Liming and
John R. Malin
Discover the world of open
software for firmware, operating system, debug,
and application development through this
step-by-step guide