Windows XP Embedded Supplemental Toolkit -
Covering XP Embedded Service Pack 2 (eBook)
by Sean Liming
Windows XP Embedded
Supplemental Toolkit is the anticipated follow on to the
popular Windows XP Embedded Advanced. The toolkit consists
of 17 chapters that introduce many of the new features and
solutions for XPe Service Pack 2 such as
- USB flash boot solution (print version only)
- Image cloning and EWF
- Security methods
- Hibernate Once, Resume Many
- System Management Services
- System Update Services
- EWF API programming (including a .NET 1.1 solution)
- Wireless connectivity
- Trapping hot keys
and much more. There are 50 new
tips-and-tricks, 23 lab exercises, and 4 new development
tools to help creating components, finding dependencies,
and documenting configurations.
Book Details
Language: English
Kindle Edition (August 2011)
ISBN-10: 0-9842801-3-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-9842801-3-1
Available on the
Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005IZDAD6
XPES Tools Release 2
The XPES development tools assist
with creating components, finding resources,
documentation, and version control.
The tools are now free and
are provided with no support.
They are supplied as is without warrenty. You
can download the tools here
or click on the image to get more details on
each tool. .NET Framework 1.1 is required prior
to installation.
Of Contents |
CD Content: Exercises |
Please review our refund
policy before buying. |
Below is a list of errors,
corrections, and additions. |
There is a coding error in the EWFAPITest
application. In some cases, the result from a command is
always a failure. The upper 32-bits of each EWF API call
result needs to masked off. The code for each button's
sResult should use the "substring" for FResults. See Code Example.
Here is an SLD for the EWFAPITest.exe,
Extract the SLD
Create a subdirectory called Binaries
in the same directory as the SLD.
Copy EWFAPITest.exe, EWFAPIC.dll, and
EWFNET.DLL to the Binaries subdirectory.
Use Component Database manager and
Import the SLD
Section 5.2.1 Step 7 - When you add the registry key,
click on the advanced properties and raise the Build
Order to 1500. This will guarantee that the key rights
over the standard key.
Section 5.3 - Bottom of the page
Registry key should be:
The Builld Order as described is for Target
Designer (TD) building the image and not FBA. When TD
builds the image, the components are built based on the
build order. You can specify files and registry resources
with a specific build order value. The higher the number,
the later in the TD build process the resource is built.
Phases are for FBA.
Full XPpro SP2 component. The Bluetooth macro component
has 3 missing dependencies. The component needs to be
updated and the 3 components removed before building the
Component Helper and Full XP Pro SP2
The Windows Narrator (Screen Reader) component contains
two registry resources with incompatible registry type vs.
have REG_DWORD set but have HEX values. If you run
Component Helper in a configuration built with the Full
XPpro SP2 component, Component Helper will stop during a
scan, and never complete the scan. You will have to change
these two keys to the correct values for the Component
Helper to run properly.
USB 2.0 Boot support
for the 256MB uDOC |
To figure out if your system supports USB 2.0 BIOS boot:
plug the uDOC into a USB port and power the system. If the
uDOC flashes orange, USB 2.0 boot is support. If the uDOC
flashes green, USB 1.1 is support.
Component Hunter |
Component Hunter will
not work with the evaluation version of Windows
Embedded Studio. |